Thanks for your interest. We are researchers from the School of Information and Communication Studies at Charles Sturt University, which is located in Wagga Wagga, NSW Australia.
The following information is important if you wish to consider joining us as a participant in our research on Teacher Librarians' perceptions of information literacy. We are interested in collecting your thoughts and experiences around this area as a teacher librarian in an Australian high school by participating in an online survey questionnaire.
The survey contains 18 questions and will take you about 15-20 minutes to complete. Apart from the last question which you may choose to omit, your answers will remain completely anonymous to us. Please click the link below to indicate your consent to participate and proceed to the survey.
[Survey URL to be added]
If the PDF does not render on your screen, you may download the PDF with all of information here for your records.
Please feel free to contact us using the form on the right if you have any questions about the study or your participation.
If you would like more information or wish to participate, complete this form:
Research Team Contact
Dr Kay Oddone - Chief investigator
Lecturer and Course Director, MEd. Teacher Librarianship
School of Information & Communication Studies
Faculty of Arts & Education, Charles Sturt University
Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678
Tel: +61 2 69334308
Twitter: @kayoddone
Dr Kasey Garrison
Senior Lecturer, MEd. Teacher Librarianship
School of Information & Communication Studies
Faculty of Arts & Education, Charles Sturt University
Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678
Tel: +61 2 69332548