Pool floaties vs ocean swimming

Understanding the changing nature of information literacy in education

A recent study exploring how college students conceptualize the online information landscape has found that information literacy approaches relying upon a ‘static’ presentation of information, which is sought by the student, does not reflect the current environment where algorithms and information platforms push information directly to users (Head et al., 2020). As the nature of […]

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Managing a professional digital identity: A challenge for connected professionals

Every interaction we have online leaves indelible traces which are often referred to as our digital footprint. It is the data created by “what you’ve said, what others have said about you, where you’ve been, images you’re tagged in, personal information, social media profiles, and much more. ” University of Edinburgh Digital Footprint resources Because […]

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Navigating the network for quality, credibility and authenticity: A challenge for connected professionals

On the internet, no one knows you’re a dog… via GIPHY It’s funny because it is true. When engaging with professional learning through your PLN, it is essential to have the capacity to quickly and effectively evaluate information and resources for their authenticity and credibility. With so much information available (see my previous post on […]

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Managing infowhelm: A challenge for Connected Professionals

Initiating and maintaining a Personal Learning Network (PLN) can be an incredibly exciting, rewarding and very effective way to engage with professional learning. However, learning mediated by social networks is not without its challenges. This post is all about how to manage perhaps the most obvious challenge that connected professionals encounter when they engage through […]

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