Rainbow book wall

Discovering the unexpected: Going behind the scenes on the CSU Sydney Information Studies/Library Study Visit

Last week I had the honour of joining a group of inspiring information professionals who are completing their Bachelor and Master of Information Studies and Master of Education: Teacher Librarianship on our first Study Visit since they ceased due to Covid in 2020. Over four days we toured ten completely different libraries and were generously […]

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Pool floaties vs ocean swimming

Understanding the changing nature of information literacy in education

A recent study exploring how college students conceptualize the online information landscape has found that information literacy approaches relying upon a ‘static’ presentation of information, which is sought by the student, does not reflect the current environment where algorithms and information platforms push information directly to users (Head et al., 2020). As the nature of […]

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Updated! #StudentsNeedSchoolLibraries

 The research is undeniable. EVERY school needs a well resourced school library AND a qualified teacher-librarian! Go to https://studentsneedschoollibraries.org.au/for more info. This post was originally shared in April 2017, highlighting the research which demonstrates the essential role of school libraries and qualified library staff in enhancing student achievement. Now, in October 2018, a huge new […]

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ISLD 2021

5 reasons why EVERY student in the 21st century needs a School Library and a Teacher Librarian.

Happy International School Library Day! School libraries and library staff do so much for their school communities, but to celebrate today, I have put these slides together with a focus on how Teacher Librarians (TLs) and school libraries support students growth as global citizens.  This is something that I believe every school would say they […]

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