Oddone, K. (4-6 November 2022). Lead Academic Convenor at 21st Century Librarians Conference. [Opening and Closing Keynote]. Hong Kong, 21st Century Learning International. . Virtual.
Oddone, K., Creelman, A. (October 2021). Enhancing connectedness and harnessing the pedagogical potential of the Personal Learning Network. [Workshop]. University of Skövde, Sweden. Invited presentation. Virtual.
Oddone, K. (April 2019). PhD and beyond: A WordPress adventure. PressEd: A WordPress and Education, Pedagogy and Research Online Conference. Virtual.
Oddone, K. (Nov 2018). Teachers’ experiences of professional learning through personal learning networks. QUT-Beijing Normal University-University of Calgary Doctoral Forum. Beijing, China.
Oddone, K. (June 2018). Harnessing the Pedagogical Potential of the Personal Learning Network [Keynote]. Lulea University of Technology Higher Education Conference. Lulea, Sweden. Virtual.
Oddone, K. (May 2018). Transforming professional learning through Personal Learning Networks. [Short paper]. 11th International Networked Learning Conference. Zagreb Croatia. In person.
Oddone, K. (September 2015). Beyond the Buzzword – Creating a Makerspace in Your Library. [Invited Keynote]. SLANZA Annual Conference. Christchurch New Zealand. In person.
Oddone, K. (March 2015). Makerspaces, Creative Commons and Open Resources, Content Curation, Critical Digital Literacy. [4 x 1.5 hour workshop – invited guest]. East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS) Conference. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. In person.
Oddone, K. (28 Nov-2 Dec 2022). Academics’ experience of personal learning networks to enhance knowledge of digital pedagogies. [Presentation]. Transforming the future of education: AARE Conference, Adelaide. In person.
Oddone, K., Dearnaley, M. (2022, 5 August). Leading change in the library: An action research journey. [Presentation]. National Education Summit, Brisbane. In person.
Oddone, K., Tait, E. & Wakeling, S. (8 July 2022). Tips for creating and delivering online learning sessions. [Workshop]. ANZTLA Australian and New Zealand Theological Library Association, 36th Annual Conference. Virtual.
Oddone, K. (19 March 2022). Active, informed and critical – Creating an environment of digital inclusion. [Invited Keynote]. Association of New South Wales Teacher Librarian Association Annual Summit. Virtual.
Oddone, K. (April 2021). Teacher Librarians as Leaders: Lessons from an MBA [Keynote]. ASLA/SLASA National Conference: Keys to Learning. Virtual.
Oddone, K. (August 2020). Beyond Fake News: Navigating our Information Ecosystem for Truth and Balance. ALIA Schools Webinar Series. Virtual.
Oddone, K. (July 2020). The Economics of Teacher Librarianship. [Presentation]. ASLA 2020 Webinar Series. Virtual.
Oddone, K. (May 2020). Leading in Times of Change. [Keynote] International School Library Network (ISLN) Singapore AGM. Virtual.
Oddone, K. (May 2019). Professional Learning for Connected Teacher Librarians: Linking, Stretching and Amplifying. [Presentation]. National Education Summit. Brisbane. In person.
Oddone, K. (May 2021). Leading in times of change: The business of teacher librarianship. [Keynote] NSW Independent Schools Teacher Librarianship Conference. Virtual.
Oddone, K. (March 2021). Beyond Fake News: Navigating our Information Ecosystem for Truth and Balance. [Keynote]. Western Australia School Library Association. Virtual.
Oddone, K. (July 2018). Designing a Connected Future. [Keynote]. University of Queensland Cyberschool Annual Seminar. Brisbane. In person.
Oddone, K. (November 2017). Teachers’ experiences of professional learning through personal learning networks. [Presentation] Higher Degree Research Conference. Brisbane. In person.
Oddone, K. (July 2017). Using Networks to Collect Data in Social Media Environments. [Presentation]. QUT Research and Publications Week. Brisbane. In person.
Oddone, K. (May 2015). Contemporary Libraries – Spaces, Resources, Personal Learning Networks, Curation and more. Lismore Catholic Education Diocese Teacher Librarian Network Day
Non-traditional research outputs (eg blog publications, podcasts)
Oddone, K., Garrison, K., Gagen-Spriggs, K. (November 2022) A podcast about podcasts: Linking theory to practice in the MEd. TL course. [Podcast]. CSU EdX Conference.
Oddone,K. (22 May 2022). 5 Reasons we need Teacher Librarians and School Libraries in 2022. in Libraries Research Group [blog].
Oddone, K., Dearnaley, M. (22 July 2022) Creating Culture Change. School Librarians United [Podcast] As at 6 August 2022 1621 downloads, 50 US states, 28 countries.
Oddone, K. (March 2019) Is inspiration just a tweet away? [Podcast]. QUT Teacher Podclass with Madonna King. Season 1.
Prior to 2015
November 2014 – Pearson National Learning and Teaching Conference – Brisbane
1 x 1.5 hour hands on workshop
Making Sense of Makerspaces
September & October 2014 – Eduwebinar Webinar – Online
2 x 1 hour webinars
Making Sense of Makerspaces
Infosavvy Students – Developing Critical Literacy Online
April 2014 – Pearson Professional Learning Days – Sydney and Melbourne
2 x one day workshops
Contemporary Libraries – Spaces, Resources, Digital Tools, Personal Leaning Networks, Curation and more.
September 2013 & March 2014 – Resourcing Digital Collections – SYBA Academy
Sydney and Brisbane
2 x 1 hour keynotes
Thrills and Spills – Implementing a Digital Library
August 2013 – 10th Interactive Teaching and Learning Conference – Gold Coast
2 x 1.5 hour workshops
Augmented Reality in the Classroom
Ebooks, Ereaders and Education
April, July and August 2012, August 2013 – Simple K-12 Webinar presentations
(Worldwide audience mainly focused in the United States)
3 x 1 hour webinars
12 Reasons Teachers Should Use Diigo,
It’s Hip to be Square; QR Codes for the Library
Tips and Tools for Managing Your iPad
July 2012 -SLAQ Biennial Conference: Connect Create Challenge – Cairns
1 x 1.5 hour workshop
QR Codes in the Information Environment
August 2011- 8th Interactive Teaching and Learning Conference – Melbourne
2 x 1 hour workshops
Resourcing Contemporary Learning from a Systems Perspective
Resourcing the Inquiry Process using Web 2.0
May 2009 – MYSA (Middle Years of Schooling Association) 6th International Conference – Brisbane
1 x 1 hour workshop
Teaching in the Real World – using digital technologies to enhance learning
June 2007 – Inet International Online Conference – Online
1 x 1 hour webinar
The 21st Century Educator
May 2007 – ACER ICT Conference – Brisbane
1 x 1 hour workshops
Teaching in a Digital World
October 2006 – Brisbane Catholic Education ICT Forum – Brisbane
1 x 1 hour workshop
Intranets and Digital Learning Management
May 2006 – 1st ACEL/Microsoft Online Conference – Online
1 x 1 hour webinar
Innovative Teaching and Learning