Copyright, Creativity and Change

Markus Spiske Setting the scene A number of recent events have led to this post. The first was the publication of a terrific blog post by Elizabeth Hutchinson who wrote about Why copyright ‘For educational purposes’ is becoming a real problem. The second was my participation as co-leader of Topic 2, Sharing and Openness for […]

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Open Education in 2018 – Shifting Sands

This post provides a brief summary of my reflections and insights after an asynchronous discussion with the ONL181 cohort about the concepts of open education and sharing openly online. As some of you may know, I have been involved with ONL for several years, and have blogged about my experiences as participant, co-facilitator and now […]

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Taking your seat at the leadership table

Engagement, participation and creating a space at the table: #EngageMOOC

I have enrolled in a very short MOOC which focuses on Engagement in a time of Polarization. The reason I enrolled in this learning opportunity is because my research is exploring a type of participatory learning – personal learning networks. The question posed by Prof. Natalie Delia Deckard, of Davidson College, the institution hosting this MOOC is […]

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Don’t believe everything you hear…

The horrific events in Manchester that occurred yesterday has brought to mind the importance of critical literacy in an age where news is communicated as it happens via social media outlets such as Twitter. I was at home reading when I noticed that someone had re-tweeted a video, claiming that there had been an ‘incident’ […]

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