
I have been published both as Kay Oddone and Kay Cantwell.


Oddone, K. (2022). The nature of teachers’ professional learning through a personal learning network: Individual, social and digitally connected. Teaching and Teacher Education: Leadership and Professional Development, 1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tatelp.2022.100001

Carroll, M., Garrison, K., O’Connell, J., Wakeling, S. & Oddone, K. (2022). Building a Knowledge Bank of Critical Literature for Australian and New Zealand Teacher-librarians and School Libraries, Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, https://doi.org/10.1080/24750158.2022.2115579

Oddone, K. (2021). Storytelling with data: Evidence-based advocacy. Access 35(3) p.10-15.

Oddone, K., Hughes, H.E. & Lupton, M. (2019). Teachers as connected professionals: A model to support professional learning through personal learning networks. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 20(3). https://doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v20i4.4082

Conference proceedings:

Garrison, K. & Oddone, K. (13 July 2022). Introducing KBANZSL: The Knowledge Bank of Australian and New Zealand School Libraries. Proceedings from the International Association of School Libraries (IASL) Annual Conference. https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/slw/index.php/iasl/issue/view/922

Book chapters

Lupton, Mandy, Oddone, Kay, & Dreamson, Neal (2019). Students’ professional digital identities. In Bridgstock, Ruth S. & Tippett, Neal (Eds.) Higher Education and the Future of Graduate Employability: A Connectedness Learning Approach. Edward Elgar Publishing.


Oddone, K. (2015, August 03). Book Review. [Review of the book Exploring Digital Libraries: Foundations, Practice, Prospects, by Karen Calhoun]. Australian Academic and Research Libraries. 46:3, 219-220.  https://doi.org/10.1080/00048623.2015.1063184

Oddone, K. (2014, December 01). Book Review. [Review of the book Mastering Digital Librarianship: Strategy, Networking and Discovery in Academic Libraries, edited by Alison Mackenzie and Lindsey Martin]. Australian Academic and Research Libraries. 45:4, 334. https://doi.org/10.1080/00048623.2014.974240

Cantwell, K. (2013, July 30). Book Review. [Review of the book Collaboration in Libraries and Learning Environments edited by Maxine Melling and Margaret Weaver]. Australian Academic and Research Libraries. 44:3, 182-183.  https://doi.org/10.1080/00048623.2013.817283

Cantwell, K. (2011) Book Review. [Review of the book The handbook of art and design librarianship, edited by Amanda Gluibizzi and Paul Glassman]. Australian Academic & Research Libraries. 42:2, 154-155. https://doi.org/10.1080/00048623.2011.10722222

Cantwell, K. (2010) Book Review. [Review of the book Information Literacy in the Digital Age: An Evidence Based Approach by Teresa Welsh and Melissa Wright]. Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 41:4, 301-301.  https://doi.org/10.1080/00048623.2010.10721483

Cantwell, K. (2010) Book Review. [Review of the book Copyright and E-Learning: A Guide for Practitioners by Jane Secker]. Australian Academic & Research Libraries. 41:3, 222-223. https://doi.org/10.1080/00048623.2010.10721468

Cantwell, K. (2010) Book Review. [Review of the book Libraries: A Copyright Guide, by Ian McDonald]. Australian Academic & Research Libraries. 41:1, 74-75.  https://doi.org/10.1080/00048623.2010.10721441

Cantwell, K. (2010) Book Review. [Review of the book Information Literacy Landscapes: Information Literacy in Education, Workplace and Everyday Contexts by Annemaree Lloyd]. Australian Academic & Research Libraries. 41:3, 221-222. https://doi.org/10.1080/00048623.2010.10721467


Oddone, K. (2020). Professional learning for connected educators: Linking, stretching and amplifying. Metaphor, (3), 14.

Oddone, K. (2020). Looking for silver linings: Educating about privacy and security in our increasingly online world. SCIS Connections, (114)https://www.scisdata.com/connections/issue-114/looking-for-silver-linings-educating-about-privacy-and-security-in-our-increasingly-online-world/

Oddone, K. (2019). Even better than the real thing? Introducing virtual reality and augmented reality to learning. SCIS Connections, (110)https://www.scisdata.com/connections/issue-110/even-better-than-the-real-thing-virtual-and-augmented-reality-in-the-school-library/ ddone, K. (2018b). Supercharge students’ digital literacy skills with content curation. SCIS Connections, (105).  https://www.scisdata.com/connections/issue-105/supercharge-students-digital-literacy-skills-with-content-curation/

Oddone, K. (2016a). The importance of school libraries in the Google age. SCIS Connections, (98).  https://www.scisdata.com/connections/issue-98/the-importance-of-school-libraries-in-the-google-age

Oddone, K. (2016b). Information and critical literacy on the web. SCIS Connections, (96).  https://www.scisdata.com/connections/issue-96/information-and-critical-literacy-on-the-web/

Oddone, Kay. (2016) ‘Information and Critical Literacy on the Web’. SCIS Connections 96.  http://www2.curriculum.edu.au/scis/connections/issue_96/articles/information_and_critical_literacy_on_the_web.html

Oddone, Kay. (2014) ‘Making Sense Of Makerspaces: New Ways To Learn And Engage’. Words Spring pp. 6-8.

Cantwell, Kay. (2013) ‘Living ‘Appily Ever After In The Library’. SCIS Connections 86. Retrieved from http://www2.curriculum.edu.au/scis/issue_86/articles/living_appily_ever_after_in_the_library.html

Cantwell, K. (2012) QR Codes in the Library. In Pledger, Pat (Ed.). Promote reading : activities and strategies to motivate reading., Adelaide, South Australia: Pledger Consulting

Cantwell, K. (2011). Social media and schools as professional learning communities. Curriculum and Leadership Journal, 9(23).  http://www.curriculum.edu.au/leader/social_media_and_schools_as_professional_learning,34164.html?issueID=12502

Cantwell, K. (2007). Virtual Coaching: The Cure For Professional Development Blues? Teacher: The National Education Magazine, (August), 52–55.