Pool floaties vs ocean swimming

Understanding the changing nature of information literacy in education

A recent study exploring how college students conceptualize the online information landscape has found that information literacy approaches relying upon a ‘static’ presentation of information, which is sought by the student, does not reflect the current environment where algorithms and information platforms push information directly to users (Head et al., 2020). As the nature of […]

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Supporting students through the Research Process

Returning to a K-12 school environment after several years’ teaching at a Masters’ level at University has given me interesting insights into the way younger students engage with the research process. At different stages through their Primary/Elementary years, students are given fantastic opportunities to develop a variety of research skills – they are explicitly taught […]

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Inquiring towards Innovation

As an educator, librarian, researcher and learner, I have engaged with and taught about inquiry learning in many ways. Valuing openness and access, I share some of this teaching online; here you can see the most recent iteration of LCN616 Inquiry Learning, which I am currently teaching.  I place a great deal of value in […]

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Game On: Levelling Up with Research

This semester my blog posts have been non-existent, and I do apologise. I’ve been busy. I know that this is not about a lack of time, but rather an indication of my priorities, and sadly my blog has slid down the list has I have been continuing my PhD study, while also teaching LCN616 Inquiry […]

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Questions and Questioning

Question Everything (Nullius in verba) Take nobody’s word for it flickr photo by dullhunk shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license Our existence is dominated by questions. From the youngest baby, who wonders whether their chubby little toes will fit into their mouths, to the leading Nobel Prize physicist who ponders the stuff of the […]

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