It has been a long held ambition to attend and participate in the biennial Networked Learning conference. Modelling the open, networked learning practices they research, the conference publishes the papers on their website, and I have used many of them in my thesis research.
This year the conference is being held in Zagreb, Croatia, and I have achieved my ambition. I am presenting a short paper in a ‘Pecha Kucha’ style, and I have included my slides below. You can see the entire programme here. The paper will be the basis of a journal publication (fingers crossed) later this year or early next year, and so I am only including the short text which I shared on the day in this post. However, this blog has been a record of my doctoral journey, and many of the blog posts share what the article contains.
I am writing this prior to the conference, so that it will be accessible on the day that I am presenting; so I can’t share more about my interactions and discoveries yet. However you can be sure that I will be blogging about the conference and also my trip working with the lovely staff of Lulea University of Technology in Sweden upon my return, so stay tuned!
Transforming professional learning with Personal Learning Networks from Kay Oddone