trees with books in branches

Never stop learning!

Featured image at the top of this post created by Midjourney, prompt by Kay Oddone It is true that as an educator, you never top learning – in both the informal and formal sense. This year I have begun completing the Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education; both as a part of […]

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Open pedagogies: Transforming and empowering learning

The open movement has been defined as: An informal, worldwide phenomenon characterised by the tendency of individuals and groups to work, collaborate and publish in ways that favour accessibility, sharing, transparency and interoperability. (Couros & Hildebrandt, 2016, p.145) A feature of the open movement which is gaining increasing exposure, is the concept of open educational […]

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Inquiring towards Innovation

As an educator, librarian, researcher and learner, I have engaged with and taught about inquiry learning in many ways. Valuing openness and access, I share some of this teaching online; here you can see the most recent iteration of LCN616 Inquiry Learning, which I am currently teaching.  I place a great deal of value in […]

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Connected Learning in the Classroom

Connected Learning is socially embedded, interest-driven, and oriented toward educational, economic, or political opportunity. Connected learning is realized when a young person is able to pursue a personal interest or passion with the support of friends and caring adults, and is in turn able to link this learning and interest to academic achievement, career success […]

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