Leadership in practice

Thank you for joining me for the third and final installment of the Teacher Librarian as Leader blog post series. If you have missed the first two posts, consider jumping back to the start to read all three in order. The first post discusses the role of the TL, and how it embodies both management […]

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Networked Learning Conference presentation: Transforming professional learning through Personal Learning Networks

It has been a long held ambition to attend and participate in the biennial Networked Learning conference. Modelling the open, networked learning practices they research, the conference publishes the papers on their website, and I have used many of them in my thesis research. This year the conference is being held in Zagreb, Croatia, and […]

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How do you connect?

Following up on my previous post explaining the theoretical underpinnings of personal (professional) learning networks, I have put together a two part vlogcast and created an infographic to capture some of the information I have gathered through my doctoral research exploring how teachers experience professional learning through personal learning networks. My findings have revealed the […]

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