Navigating the network for quality, credibility and authenticity: A challenge for connected professionals

On the internet, no one knows you’re a dog… via GIPHY It’s funny because it is true. When engaging with professional learning through your PLN, it is essential to have the capacity to quickly and effectively evaluate information and resources for their authenticity and credibility. With so much information available (see my previous post on […]

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Copyright, Creativity and Change

Markus Spiske Setting the scene A number of recent events have led to this post. The first was the publication of a terrific blog post by Elizabeth Hutchinson who wrote about Why copyright ‘For educational purposes’ is becoming a real problem. The second was my participation as co-leader of Topic 2, Sharing and Openness for […]

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How do you connect?

Following up on my previous post explaining the theoretical underpinnings of personal (professional) learning networks, I have put together a two part vlogcast and created an infographic to capture some of the information I have gathered through my doctoral research exploring how teachers experience professional learning through personal learning networks. My findings have revealed the […]

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Play, passion, purpose

Two weeks ago I was fortunate to have the opportunity to share two days leading the staff of Our Lady of the Way, Petrie, through a hands on, play focused workshop. Drawing upon a number of different sources, I designed and developed a series of discovery stations, and the teaching staff had almost two whole days […]

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Informal Learning

Learning everyday In a rapidly changing world, it seems like we are learning all of the time. We are constantly bombarded with technologies which require us to learn new ways to communicate, new ways to work and even to new ways to learn. Using the internet to learn has for many of us become second […]

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