The value of narrative in online learning

We were always moving  towards providing more formal learning experiences via online media, but the lockdowns of 2020 gave online learning an almighty push. While blended learning opportunities, where students has the option of attending on-campus lectures as well as accessing learning resources online have existed for some time, the concept of entire courses being […]

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Inquiring towards Innovation

As an educator, librarian, researcher and learner, I have engaged with and taught about inquiry learning in many ways. Valuing openness and access, I share some of this teaching online; here you can see the most recent iteration of LCN616 Inquiry Learning, which I am currently teaching.  I place a great deal of value in […]

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Connected Learning in the Classroom

Connected Learning is socially embedded, interest-driven, and oriented toward educational, economic, or political opportunity. Connected learning is realized when a young person is able to pursue a personal interest or passion with the support of friends and caring adults, and is in turn able to link this learning and interest to academic achievement, career success […]

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Copyright, Creativity and Change

Markus Spiske Setting the scene A number of recent events have led to this post. The first was the publication of a terrific blog post by Elizabeth Hutchinson who wrote about Why copyright ‘For educational purposes’ is becoming a real problem. The second was my participation as co-leader of Topic 2, Sharing and Openness for […]

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Welcome to 2019!

I initiated this blog at the beginning of 2016, as I began my doctoral research journey. It feels like I have only blinked, and now I am writing the first post of 2019, having spent my allotted three years researching, reading and writing. I now find myself waiting for the return of my PhD thesis, […]

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